House Market August 17, 2023

Escrow Tip- Buyers: What to Expect


  • Escrow is opened upon receipt of a fully executed Residential Purchase Agreement and the buyer’s initial deposit
  • Escrow Instructions are delivered to the Buyer, including forms for insurance, vesting, and other critical needs


  • Escrow receives and reviews the Preliminary Title Report from title company for the buyer to review and approve
  • Escrow forwards Natural Hazard Disclosures to buyer for signatures
  • Buyer and escrow must provide all lender-requested items to the lender
  • Escrow will order and provide Homeowners Association Documents for the buyer to review and approve (if applicable)

Lender and Loan Documents (Pre-Closing)

  • Lender will order loan documents once the loan is approved and deliver them to escrow
  • Escrow reviews loan documents and prepares any additional lender-required documents
  • Escrow provides copy of Estimated Closing Statement to buyer for review and requests final funds to close by wire transfer – funds must be delivered 2-business days before scheduled close of escrow
  • Escrow contacts buyer to schedule signing appointment for loan documents
  • Escrow receives signed loan documents and packages them for return to buyer’s lender to include required conditions
  • Lender receives and reviews signed loan documents and contacts escrow with any additional “funding conditions” that may be required to close
  • Once Lender is in position to fund buyer’s loan, escrow will contact all parties to confirm that all parties are ready to close and that funds have been received


  • Escrow requests funding of buyer’s loan and authorizes the Title Company to record the Grant Deed with the County Recorder’s Office which affects the transfer of the property to the buyer
  • The Title Company contacts escrow when the deed has officially been recorded – Congratulations, your escrow is now closed!
  • The Title Company will forward charges to Escrow to finalize the Closing Statements. Final closing statements are prepared and escrow issues funds as per the contract, including any refund due buyer.

Time is of the essence! Please respond to any requests from your Agent, Escrow, and your Lender as quickly as possible to assure a timely closing!